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6 Tips For Growing Your Sunflowers At Home

If you’re looking for a cheerful and vibrant addition to your back garden, then why not get the kids involved and grow sunflowers this summer? These bright and colourful flowers not only make a great visual impact, but they’re also relatively easy to grow and a super rewarding activity for the kids! Here’s how to get started.

1. What type of seed?

First, decide on the type of sunflower you’d like to grow. There are many varieties available, each with their own size, shape, and color. Here are some listed below.

  • Russian Giants

  • Teddy Bear

  • Pacino Gold

  • Red Sun

The Giant Sunflower seeds I used you can get here, I only could grow mine in a large pot so just imagine if you have the space to get them in the ground!

2. Get planting!

Next, plant your sunflower seeds around 1inch deep or twice as deep as the seed (one seed per hole) and cover them with soil. You can start them in small containers and then transfer to bigger pots like I did or pop them straight into the ground.

EXTRA TIP: Why not repurpose your egg cartons, these are perfect to start off your seeds. This is a great way for kids to watch the magic, let them take pictures each day so they can show friends and family how they are doing.

3. Give them the love.

Water the seeds thoroughly and keep the soil moist until your sunflower plants have sprouted. As they grow, make sure they receive plenty of sunlight and water. If necessary, stake your sunflower plants to keep them upright and prevent them from falling over.

5. Keep an eye out for pests.

Sunflowers are vulnerable to pests such as aphids and caterpillars, so make sure to check your plants often. Try your best to teach the little ones to be kind to all living, sprinkle coffee grounds around the plant. Slugs don't like the taste and should keep them off your kids pride and joy!

6. Your very own garden sunshine!

Once your sunflowers have bloomed, you can harvest the seeds. Wait until the flower heads turn brown and dry, then carefully cut them off the stem and remove the seeds. Spread the seeds out on a sheet of newspaper and allow them to dry fully before storing them in an air-tight container. Take a look how you can use the sunflower seeds onced harvested, the fun continues for the whole family!

Growing sunflowers is an easy and fun activity for kids. With the right soil, a sunny spot and a little bit of patience, you can have beautiful sunflowers in your back garden this summer. Take a look at these 5 fun facts about sunflowers for kids! A mini educational video to help your little ones understand their new little garden progect. So get started and enjoy the sight of these cheerful blooms!

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